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Cranberry-Walnut Pumpkin Loaves

This is NOT a quick bread. It’s a slow, slow, slow yeast bread. Snail paced. Around 18 hours total. It’s chockful of the flavors of fall like pumpkin, nutmeg, and cranberries.

Despite the long wait time I enjoyed making this. This recipe is perfect for the season. Smelled amazing. Tasted even better. I bought these cute little loaf pans and was pleased with everything about the end product.

You can find the recipe at this week’s host: This Bountiful Backyard.

The lengthy recipe time is due to several epic rising times. After the dough is formed it’s covered and set aside to rise at room temperature for two hours. Then you deflate the dough and refrigerate it overnight. In the morning you take the dough out and let it rise at room temperature for another four hours. Shaping the dough into loaves is next followed by another rise time of two hours. Last you bake the dough for 35 minutes at 350 degrees F.

Plan ahead and there’s nothing really that difficult about these cranberry-walnut pumpkin loaves. I think it’s perfect as is or smeared with a little apple butter for the complete fall package.

Boy have I been neglecting this blog lately. I have been baking up a storm but not blogging about it. My two oldest children both had their birthdays and parties. Then there’s soccer practice, school meetings, going to the pumpkin patch, etc. eating up all my free time. I hope things slow down around here soon so I can have some more time to bake. . .and blog!

Fall is busy but one of my favorite times of the year.